$500.00 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I understand that this is one of four monthly payments that are non-refundable. You receive immediate and lifetime access to the More Than My Infertility Program and agree to pay in full upon receipt of the first payment.

I understand that coaching facilitates the process of personal, professional, and/or emotional development, and transformation; and that it is not a substitute for medical advice, or therapy. I understand I should always defer to my medical team about my medical treatment options. 
MTMI honors the privacy and confidentiality of the others in the group. If that is ever at risk your membership will be taken away without refund.

The More Than My Infertility Program

When you join you get immediate and lifetime access to all program components, plus access to all future updates. This means that the content, support, and coaching in More Than My Infertility is here for you as long as you need it. 

What you'll get:


    You will learn the simple More Than My Infertility process for filling up your cup, preparing for the rollercoaster and building up your confidence. These tools allow you to stop the overwhelm, prevent the burnout and take care of yourself no matter what’s going on in your IVF journey. The course alone is designed to help you show up to all the steps of IVF as the best version of yourself, while juggling everything else in your life.


    Once a week, you will join Kristin for live group coaching over zoom to get help applying what you’ve learned in the program and overcome any obstacle in your path. This is a safe space to share what’s going on with you in your IVF journey.

    You are also welcome to watch and learn from the coaching that other IVF Warriors receive on the call. 

    Coaching calls take place at 12:30PM EST every Tuesday

    All the past coaching calls from More Than My Infertility are available for you to listen to on our private podcast.