A 14-week program for the woman going through IVF again with a Fall or Winter egg retrieval.

Designed to help you enjoy your life and live it to the fullest …while going through the challenging journey that is IVF (again)

Get Started!

Going through IVF is not easy - and feeling like you are doing it alone makes it even harder.

This is the program I wish I had 7 years ago when I was going through IVF.

I didn’t feel like I had a space to show up exactly how I was - where I didn’t have to fake or force smiles and pretend like everything was okay.

Where I was safe from peeing on the stick photos and the sadness that I was experiencing in my journey.


The support groups weighed me down and I never felt like I had a place that could help me feel better and give me tools to navigate the journey I was going through in a really positive way.

I also wish I had the opportunity to be led by someone who wasn’t in the trenches - someone who was already on the other side.

Now, that person gets to be me and I get to build something like that for all of you and it truly is a gift. 

What My Cycle Circle is:

  • A community of like-minded women where you get to just be you 
  • An interactive, live group coaching program where you get support, coaching, tools and resources to help you take action that makes a difference
  • An encouraging, safe place where you will always feel supported and guided by someone who has been where you’ve been and knows how to help you get to the other side
  • A powerful group of strong women who are ready to take full responsibility for enjoying their life through their next round of IVF and not let infertility define them anymore

What My Cycle is not:

  • A support group
  • the grief olympics - one-upping each other’s stories and experiences
  • A place for pee on a stick photos
  • A place for you to sit back and watch 
  • A course or a class

How the program works:

The program runs September 12 - December 19

Weekly Calls:

1 live teaching/month

3 hot seat coaching (struggles, stories, questions - get live support and guidance)/month

The My Cycle Circle Resource Library - On demand access to a library of video resources and modules to help you deepen your coaching & access it where and when you need it.

Unlimited 24/7 private community where you can share outside the live calls.

A community of people who get it, led by someone who's been through it and is on the other side.

Weekly prompts with action items to keep you moving forward in the program

My Cycle Circle is your IVF journey's trusted inner circle.

Join fellow warriors, lean on each other, and thrive in a safe, understanding space where you'll find genuine support, relevant insights, and camaraderie as you navigate your next IVF cycle. No triggers, just understanding; no bad advice, just shared wisdom. Step into a community that 'gets it' and walk this path together.


Led by someone who's not only walked in your shoes but also has 4 years of experience guiding women to conquer overwhelm, embrace confidence, and infuse joy into their IVF journey.


Join us for unwavering support, shared understanding, and a community where you can thrive, all while being led by someone who truly understands the path you're on.

You'll walk away with:

  • A renewed sense of hope heading into your next round of IVF
  • A greater excitement and confidence that your next round of IVF doesn’t have to consume your life the way it has in the past
  • Knowing how to focus on what really matters in your next IVF round (hint: it’s not your shots or dr. appointments or how bloated you feel)
  • A life-changing, long-term mindset shift that just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t

Ready To Join?

Then don't wait!  When you sign up in August you will receive a free 1:1 coaching call with me ($250 value) as a free bonus!

One-time Payment


Save $50 When You Pay In Full!

1 Payment of $1,750

One-time Payment


1 Payment of $1,750

Pay In 3 Installments

$600 x 3

3 Payments of $600